Our original schedule changed and gave us another four hours to see some more of the sights around Budapest.  Here are some of the other high lighted areas to see around Budapest.

Hero's Square

City Park

We had only a few hours before we had to head to the train station to get to our next destination.  We (My work colleagues and I ) woke up early wanting to explore a city none of us has been to before.  Our hotel was right in the middle of the Buda District which had a tremendous amount of sights to see.  

City Park Ice Skating

Vajdahunyad Castle

Széchenyi Medicinal Bath

One of the most spectacular places to visit in Budapest is the  Szechenyi Bath.  We were in a hurry to get some sightseeing in before heading to the airport.  We didn’t do our research on the what to see.  We arrived outside of the spa and went inside.  Embarrassing we didn’t know exactly where we were as we couldn’t understand the signs and what the people were trying to tell us.   We were in a hurry so we just took a few photos and moved on.  

If I ever have the opportunity to visit Budapest again I will be sure to make sure to save a day to visit the spa to experience the thermal baths.

Photo by Victor Malyushev on Unsplash

On The Walk Back To The Hotel...